Dr Nikhil Juneja

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Kidney stone occur when the urine is saturated with waste products that are able to crystallize into stone like structures or when the chemicals that normally inhibit this crystallization are not present.
If the stones are small, they may become dislodged from the kidney and move through the urinary tract, eventually passing out of the body in the urine. Larger stones stay in the kidney but may occasionally move into the ureter (the tube that takes urine from the kidney to the bladder) if a stone becomes lodged in the ureter, it can cause severe pain. A large stone in the kidney is not usually painful, but it can increase the risk of urinary infection.
The risk of stones forming in the kidneys is greatest when there is high concentration of dissolved substances in the urine. Inadequate intake of fluid increases the risk of kidney stones.
People who live in hot climate may be susceptible to kidney stones. If they do not drink enough to replace the fluid lost through perspiration.
Men are usually more predisposed to have kidney stones. Most common between the age of 30 and 50. In some cases the cause is inherited.
Different types of kidney stones can form, depending upon the waste products that crystallize out of the urine most are made of calcium salts. These stones may be associated with a diet containing foods rich in calcium or a substance called oxalic acid. A small percentage of stones containing uric acid may occur in people who have gout.
Very small kidney stones may pass unnoticed in the urine. Larger stones or small fragments of stones that pass in to the ureter may cause painful spasm of the ureter wall.
-Inadequate fluid intake
-Gout and Hypertension
-Vitamin A deficiency
-Parathyroid Tumor
-Hyper Vitaminosis D
-Acidosis of renal tubules
The symptoms usually appear suddenly and may include:
1. Excruciating pain that starts in the back, spreads to the abdomen and groin and may be felt in the genitals.
2. Frequent, painful urination.
3. Nausea and vomiting.
4. Blood in the urine.
5. Shivering, Cold Sweats.
6. Haematuria (blood in urine)
7. Muscles of abdomen feel rigid.
8. Pain occurs in intervals.
If a kidney stone is passed in the urine, the pain will subside rapidly. However if a stone
Lodges in a ureter, it may cause a build of urine, which leads to swelling of the kidney (Hydronephrosis)
If your doctor suspects that you have kidney stones, he will take a specimen of urine to look for blood, crystals, and evidence of an underlying infection. Stones that have been passed in the urine may be collected and analyzed so that their composition can be determined. An ordinary x-ray may be used to look for calcium stones, other types of kidney stone can be determined by doing ultrasonography.
Certain foods and medicines are known to promote the production of stones. If one has acidic urine, avoiding foods like fish, meat and poultry.
Calcium Oxalate Stone –
It accounts for 71% of all types of stone. The calcium may combine with some other substances such as oxalates, phosphatesor carbonates to form stones.
Uric Acid Stones –
They are associated with gout or chemotherapy. Uric acid is its cause.
Cystine Stones –
These types of stones are caused due to an amino acid named cystine in protein.
Struvite Stone –
These types of stones are caused due to urinary infection.
Xanthine Stones-These are very rare. These are as a result of genetic disorder.
-Intake of water in large quantity
-Coconut Water
-Pineapple Juice
-Less intake of Eggs,Chees,Milk Products,Fats(Butter and Desi Ghee),Potatoes,Nuts,Chocolates,Tea,Groundnuts,Fish,Tomato
-Low salt content in food (Diet)
Every case calls for detailed study of patient individually. There is no specific medicine for a disease in homoeopathy. The actual treatment involves the complete case history of a patient. The medicines described below are just for the purpose of information. So you are kindly requested not to indulge in self medication.
TREATMENT Berberis vulgaris
- inflammation of kidney’s and haematuria
- left kidney stone with bubbling sensation
- frequent urination, urethra burns when not urinating
- renal calcus, colic, haematuria
- deposit of white amorphous salt in urine
- burning in the urethra with frequent urination
- acts on ureter,sharp pain in the lions , specially left
Pareira Brava- pain in left lumbar region radiating from left kidney to lions following the course of ureter
- disurea,urine can only be voided while patient is on his knees with head pressing against the floor
- black, bloody urine , brick red sediment with a strong ammoniacal smell
- tenesmus with pressure on bladder and discharge of a white terbit matter mixed with mucus swere pain at conclusion of urination with passage of blood - urine dribbles while sitting passes freely while standing
- offensive smell of urine